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A New Chapter for Cate

Harper Halbardier '26


As the reality of the end of Mr. William’s time at Cate is sinking in amongst the student body and Cate community at large, the search and decision for a new head of school is weighing on minds and hearts on The Mesa.

In the past couple of weeks, Cate has hosted two head of school finalist candidates. Students, faculty, and staff all got the chance to visit with, question, and get to know the candidates throughout their visits. Students enjoyed stopping by the MOD table at meals to chat with each finalist and get a sense of their presence in our community. On November 6th, the first finalist, Alex Lockett, visited from San Francisco, California. Her bright and outgoing personality was a hit amongst the Cate community all throughout her visit. On Monday morning, Mrs. Lockett briefly introduced herself at assembly. She said that she could sense the “energy” in our morning assemblies; from dorm culture to advisory pride, “energy” is definitely not something that Cate is lacking! Freshmen Fallon Erickson says that “Mrs. Lockett’s presence was very welcoming and fitting in our community.” Fallon also exclaimed that “her want to be here was apparent.” The buzz around campus after Mrs. Lockett’s visit was a positive one, and her time spent on The Mesa was very much appreciated and memorable.

A week later, on November 13th, Cate welcomed our next visitor, Dr. Percy Abram, from Seattle, Washington. Dr. Abram’s seemingly reserved demeanor was turned into a very passionate and excited one when Cate got to know him better at our Monday morning assembly. From cracking football jokes to telling us a little bit more about his background, it is safe to say that he had a hold of his audience! An anonymous sophomore explains how Dr. Abram was “really interesting to talk to and had lots of interesting ideas to bring from his previous school.” Although this change is going to be a hard one to come to terms with, we all know that no matter what decision is made, the future of Cate is going to be in great hands.



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