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  • El Bat Cate School


Justin Musyimi '23


Entering Cate as freshmen, we’re introduced to the varying practices of clothing from all around the world. Through attending an inspiringly fashionable school, one learns the realm of their own personal style, forming their identity through clothing. Recently, more attention has been put on the clothes we wear ever since the creation of the @fashionatcate Instagram page.

The account posts daily, showing student outfits (fit checks) accompanied by vibrant stickers and clever captions. Always comedic in tone, students of all grade levels are featured. The page’s inclusivity and levity manage to build up Cate’s online community, while also remaining relevant in the conversation.

In a brief interview, I got the perspective of the account’s admins: Lylie, Dawson, and Emie.

Where did @fashionatcate come from?

Lylie: So basically the fashion club has been in business so to speak for a number of years but it has kind of been a dormant club. This year a school in Emie’s area had a page similar to @fashionatcate which inspired the two of us to start it. From there we went to Dawson since he’s head of the fashion club.

What do you want your impact on the Cate community to be?

Emie: Well that's a good question. We want to unite the cate community together because fashion is such a universal subject that everyone has a point of view in, and we want to make a space where students can express themselves.

And so far you’ve done that through Instagram takeovers?

Emie: Right now it's just Instagram. But we’re also trying to promote a sense of humor, we want people to have fun; our purpose isn’t to be super serious.

Why do you think the page has been so successful in its community engagement?

Dawson: Because fashion is a way of life and fashion is something that we all love. so an account where we can see each other and our swag is a place where we can all come together and unite despite our differences.

What are your future plans for the Instagram page and @fashionatcate in general? Would you like to expand into other media?

Together: That’s top secret.

Okay, that’s great, it’s been amazing talking to you all.

Emie: Thank you so much for having us, it was such an honor

Lylie: Yeah it really was an honor and it’s just a humbling experience to come out here.

Dawson: Thanks!


As the colder days become more frequent, we’re reminded that fall is already underway. An exciting time for fashion, sweaters, sweatpants, beanies and wool socks will soon find their way into classrooms once more. What style innovations will we find this season? Only time will tell.

I’ll leave you with this Marc Jacobs quote- “Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them.”

In conclusion, wear what you want.



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