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  • Writer's pictureMyla van Lynde

Update on the New Health and Wellness Center

Nate Newlove '25


Last year, construction crews began leveling out the ground behind 25 house. This beautiful spot of land is soon to be the home of the new Health and Wellness Center. The building will be named in honor of a former Cate faculty member who was integral to the human development program and embodied the spirit of wellness. Funded graciously by generous donations from alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends of Cate, the new health and wellness center will be a staple destination for adults and students alike.

While all at Cate can attest to hearing construction taking place on the edge of campus, the majority of the construction was performed off campus; the building itself was put together off campus. This means that once the land was fit for use, all that was left to do was to transport the building up the hill to the new location. This was no easy feat. The health center is a big building and is difficult to carry, especially up the notoriously steep and windy Cate hill. The building was split up into three parts and transported over three days. Once on campus, the building needed to be re-assembled and positioned in the designated area. The reassembly has now been finished and the building has been laid onto the foundation.

Once all the pieces are assembled and in place, the building needs to be connected to the school’s power and water lines. As soon as that process is complete, the center will be open for use. The Mesa Clinic (colloquially known around campus as “The Box”) will stay for quarantine use, but the current health center trailer will no longer be in use.

The building has a landscaped entryway with California native and drought-tolerant shrubs and ground cover to provide aesthetic appeal. Inside, sits the patient care room with the nurse on call nearby. The group counseling room is an inviting space for group counseling and support services. There are three private patient care rooms for focused health attention with complete confidentiality and privacy. Another private room is for Zoom or telehealth meetings or private conversations.

The central hub is for medical staff to hold meetings that advance collaboration and efficiency. The health director will have their own office with access to support the medical and wellness team. Outside of the center, there is the fragrant healing garden for reflective and therapeutic discussions. The garden is composed of aromatic plants that promote wellness and tranquility. A meditative labyrinth will allow students to reflect while taking a peaceful stroll through the garden. With its position on the Mesa, the health and wellness center has beautiful views of the expansive Pacific Ocean, and the outdoor deck complements them perfectly.

This health center will not only be a beautiful addition to the campus but will be beneficial to the mental and physical health of all who enter. Medical Director Dr. Susan Zapolac and Director of Counseling Dean’a Curry state, “We are hopeful that the Health and Wellness House will be a safe space for students to experience a confidential, comfortable, supportive, and collaborative environment where they can benefit from wraparound care that reflects an integration of their emotional, physical, social, and intellectual well-being.” Cate School will be a healthier and happier place with the new Health and Wellness Center.



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